Thursday, January 24, 2008

Development Has Started!

Development has gone underway for Super Foust Bros!

Right now, information is being written into a Development Book (Devbook, for short) in order to gather all ideas and programming/music/technical necessities needed and more. This book contains all information pertaining to playable characters, stages, music, and more. As work progresses on the game, updates will be eminent on this page, so keep a good watch. There will be videos, screenshots, and more of the game in development.

Trust me it will be good.

Some points so far in the game:

*John Gemperline as a playable character.
*Sarah Alspaw as playable character.
*Stage: Corbett's Desk.
*Stage: Floor is Lava (MF Beach)
*Stage: Time-lapse River
*Featured Play Mode: Online Multiplayer
*Play Mode: Foustware Minigames
*F. Ardnt as playable character.
*J. Aaroe as playable character.
*Training mode/stage with Scarlett and Josephine.
*"Final Reckoning" abilities! (Similar to final smashes.
*Proposed 25+ characters
*Proposed 20+ stages
*Collectibles system.
*Custom GFX.
*Original music soundtrack!

Stay tuned for more updates!


Mariel said...

I want to be a character! Woo!

Josh said...

And be a character, you shall, Mariel!